By Brad W. Constantine
I wrote this book as an attempt to answer some of the questions I’ve received from seminary and institute students over the years about the plan of salvation, life after death, etc. I have it as a video audiobook and as a podcast below. I hope you enjoy it.
This video is an explanation of the Plan of Happiness, or the Plan of Salvation as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although this recording is not an official recording of the Church, every attempt has been made to be as doctrinally accurate as possible This book includes a discussion about the creation of the world, the theory of evolution, the big bang theory and that the universe is infinitely large and has always existed. There is not a beginning to creation. It has always existed. This work is the responsibility of the author. Theme song provided by Images may violate copyright laws and are included without permission and attribution.
by Brad W. Constantine, Copyright by Brad W. Constantine 2019